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6/28/2010 11:43:30 AM

The after-game briefing will 28.06 Potrefena Husa Bar. Address: Moravské náměstí 8, Brno, 19.30
Брифинг состоится в традиционном месте - у Гуса. Встречаемся в 19.30 28.06.

5/20/2010 12:36:23 PM
Подавайте заявки / Submit demands for game / Podávejte žádost na hry
Если Вы планируете участвовать в субботних (22.05) точках "Велосипедная народная" / "Bike popular", или в мокрх войнах "Mokré a divoké léto! / Wet and Wild Summer! / Мокрое и дикое лето!", стартующих в понедельник (24.05), то подавайте заявки, не ждите последнего момента. Требуется время на подготовку игр. Если есть вопросы, то задавайте. Спасибо.

If you plan to participate in Saturday (22.05) points "Велосипедная народная" / "Bike popular", or in WetWars "Mokré a divoké léto! / Wet and Wild Summer! / Мокрое и дикое лето!" starting on Monday (24.05) submit demands, do not wait for the last moment. Time for preparation of games Is required. If you need halp, ask me. Thanks.

Jestli plánujete participovat v sobotní (22.05) hře na jízdních kolech, nebo kolečkovich bruslech, nebo pěšky "Велосипедная народная" / "Bike popular", nebo v hře "Mokré a divoké léto! / Wet and Wild Summer! / Мокрое и дикое лето!" od pondělí (24.05), podávejte žádost, Ne čekejte na poslední chvíli. je třeba období Na vytvoření hry. jestli je nutná nějaká pomoc, ptate se. pěkně děkuji.

5/2/2010 9:20:45 AM

Because of the weather forecast which promises us some rain, the after-game briefing is moved to Potrefena Husa Bar. Address: Moravské náměstí 8, Brno. В связи с дождливой погодой послеигровой брифинг переносится в традиционное место - к Гусу. Встречаемся в 19.

4/30/2009 2:29:00 AM

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen!
We invite you to participate in first game, will take place on 23rd of May in Brno.

News Arhive >>>


What is necessary to play ‘ENCOUNTER’?

1) John Smith and his friends have decided to participate in one of the ‘ENCOUNTER’ games. For this purpose he has made the following steps: he registered on the site, the future members of his team also registered. One person can also register several participants, but it is desirable to send logins and passwords.

2) Then John pressed the button ‘Team’ on the left, the button ‘Create a Team’ and entered its name. After that he clicked the button ‘Invite new participants into the team’ and entered the login of a participant whom he had decided to invite.

3) John Smith has become a captain and now he is able to make a request for a game on behalf of the team. Participants who were invited in their turn also entered the menu ‘Team’ and confirmed the participation in the team. All the participants did the same. The ‘Team’ has been created!

4) The captain confirms the participation by pressing the ‘payments are accepted by cash, to confirm the participation’. The team should consist of at least 2 persons, otherwise the participation won't be confirmed by the program.

5) The captain gathers the team together for a cup of tea, and they read aloud the Rules of the game. Only after all participants are satisfied with the requirements (especially it concerns the age and authenticity of specified personal data), the team will be able to begin preparation for the game.

6) The captain with (or without) the team's consent determines what participants will form the ‘Coordinators Staff’ and the ‘Field staff’. Only field players arrive to a game start place. The ‘Coordinators Staff’ is ready to play, they sit at computers connected to the Internet. As soon as the game begins the link ‘Enter the game’ will appear on the main page.

So, point by point:

What is necessary to register on the site?
1. Go through registration procedure:
1.1. Press the button ‘Sign up’;
1.2. Fill in all obligatory fields;
1.3. Unmark the fields where necessary if you don’t want to make information accessible for viewing;
1.4. Repeat the registration procedure for each team participant.

What is necessary to create a team?
1. The captain of a team needs to authorize under his/her login;
2. Press the link ‘TEAM’ on the user menu;
3. Press the link ‘CREATE a TEAM’ (Attention! The team name can be changed in the future);
4. Invite participants into the team (Attention! The team must consist of no less than 4 participants to be able to take part in a team game):
4.1. Press the link ‘INVITE NEW PARTICIPANTS into the TEAM’;
4.2. Specify ‘LOGIN’ (NICKNAME) of the invited user;
4.3. After that invited users need to confirm the invitation (for this purpose it is necessary to authorize under the invited user’s nickname, press the button ‘TEAM’ and confirm the invitation).

What is necessary to take part in an upcoming game?
1. Authorize under the login of a captain;
3. Confirm the participation (press the button ‘YES’);
4. Make payment by cash in the registration place specified by organizers of the Game;
5. Wait until the team is accepted to the game (team is accepted to a game only after the registration payment is made and the team's payment is accepted by the organizers of the game).

What is necessary to start playing?
1. Enter the site;
2. The captain of a team needs to denote the active staff of the team. These participants will have access to tasks and will receive points;
3. Every participant can authorize under the login, i.e. every participant can receive tasks;
4. New window with a task will open at the moment of the game start, otherwise it is necessary to press the button ‘ENTER THE GAME’ (the button will appear at the moment of the game start specified by the organizers in the announcement of upcoming game);
5. Receive a task.

What is necessary to enter the received code of the current level?
1. At the moment of receiving of a task countdown begins at the top of the page, and as time passes you will receive a prompt for a task;
2. You need to enter the received code in the field ‘ANSWER’ (field ‘ANSWER’ is below the task description);
3. If the code is right you will automatically receive the next task;
4. If during the game an error occurs and you leave the site, after repeated authentication you will be automatically redirected to the current level the team is working on.
Ночью в субботу, после работы, Сон для усталых, скучных людей, Мы приглашаем тех, кто отчаян, К нам на EN-ку скорей. Здесь есть заданья на пониманье, Коды и говна в заброшках нас ждут. Если ты смелый, ловкий, умелый - Игры тебя зовут!


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4/27/2024 2:54:56 AM
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